Monday, June 3, 2024

Judiciary: Committed To Combating Corruption, 3 JUNE

Judiciary: Committed To Combating Corruption

Economy   Sunday, June 2, 2024 5:20 PM   Baghdad/National News Center The Supreme Judicial Council  Announced    Judge Najm Abdullah Ahmed, Chief Public Prosecutor, said in a speech he delivered during the conference “The Judicial System in Iraq and Major Corruption Cases,” which was organized with the support of the United Nations Development Program and the European Union, that “Iraq is keen to implement the national anti-corruption strategy, with the aim of building A fair and transparent society, and enhancing citizen confidence in national institutions through a policy that seeks to uncover negative phenomena and activate a societal culture that rejects corruption.”

He added that “the efforts of the United Nations Development Program had a prominent impact in supporting Iraq’s efforts to combat corruption by holding seminars and workshops and providing recommendations and consultations, in line with the requirements of the United Nations Convention against Corruption,” noting that “the first report of the program to follow up on trials of corruption cases Strengthening arbitration reflects this trend.”

He explained that “the report came as a result of an intensive effort by a specialized team, based on scientific foundations in data collection and auditing, pointing to the achievements achieved by the courts specialized in corruption cases, and identifying the obstacles facing the investigative authorities, which constitute an obstacle to construction and progress.”

He pointed out that “the Supreme Judicial Council took a number of steps, including forming courts specialized in corruption cases in the investigation and trial stages, and coordinating with the Integrity Commission to prepare a comprehensive database,” pointing to “organizing training courses for public prosecution employees in all appellate areas to improve their performance in Completing investigations into corruption cases.

He stressed that “the report indicated a shortage in the number of judges, which prompted the Council to accept more than one course at the Judicial Institute to graduate judges and prosecutors,” adding that “despite the commitment of the United Nations Convention against Corruption to provide legal assistance and extradite defendants, some countries It does not respond for various reasons, which complicates the recovery of smuggled funds outside Iraq.”

He indicated that “the Public Prosecution held a series of meetings to prepare a mechanism that encourages countries to recover funds,” praising the measures of the Iraqi authorities in combating money laundering and terrorist financing, which won the approval of the Financial Action Organization for the Middle East and North Africa countries, which indicates the possibility of Iraq’s exit from... Gray list of high-risk countries.

Judge Najm Abdullah concluded his speech by emphasizing that “all observations and recommendations contained in the report will be of interest to the Supreme Judicial Council, and coordination will be made with the relevant government agencies to implement them.”

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