Thursday, June 13, 2024

Iraq Remains Among Least Stable Countries, 13 JUNE

 ERBIL — Iraq remains near the bottom of the global list of countries ranked by peace and stability, according to the latest report from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP).

Although Iraq has climbed two places from last year, it still ranks 151st out of 163 countries in the 2024 Global Peace Index.

In 2023, Iraq was positioned at 153rd place, reflecting a marginal improvement in its stability and peace metrics. The IEP report noted a slight reduction in Iraq's points for hostilities, militarism, and tensions, which decreased from 3.057 to 3.045.

While Iraq showed minimal progress, other countries experienced more significant changes. The UAE notably rose 31 places, making it one of the most improved nations in the index. El Salvador and Kazakhstan also saw substantial improvements, rising by 21 and 19 places, respectively.

Conversely, Israel fell 11 places in the rankings, Sierra Leone dropped by 23 points, and Ecuador declined by 19 points.

The IEP's assessment also extends to global terrorism impacts, where Iraq remains heavily affected. The 2024 Global Terrorism Index, released on April 30, places Iraq 11th among the countries most afflicted by terrorism.

This ranking is based on the number of terrorist incidents, casualties, injuries, and hostage situations. Iraq's terrorism score stands at 7.07 out of 10, compared to Burkina Faso, which tops the list with a score of 8.5. These rankings highlight the ongoing challenges Iraq faces in achieving stability and peace, despite some reductions in conflict and tension indicators.


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