Thursday, June 6, 2024

Interesting conversation with Admin Extraordinaire, VE, in regards to exciting news coming from Militia Man's Monday 6.3.24 podcast. , 6 JUNE

 πŸ’’ Interesting conversation with Admin Extraordinaire, VE, in regards to exciting news coming from Militia Man's Monday 6.3.24 podcast. 

I felt the info was extremely helpful and I'm going to interject a few things. ⬇️✅⬇️

πŸ’’VE: Hey Earthling. Listening to Monday’s Militia Man. This is what I got out of it.  

πŸ’’Ginger: 😁- thank you, fellow earthling. You crack me up. πŸ˜›πŸ€£✅)

πŸ’’VE: Love his cats. Most important info.  

πŸ’’Ginger: We πŸ’“ Wally & Winnie 😍πŸ₯°πŸ€©✅

πŸ’’MM: Auctions were stopped on May 30.  

πŸ’’ Ginger:🧐 - hmm, πŸ€” not sure that's true. ?? I thought it was documented there were actually regular currency auctions going on in Iraq Tuesday 6.4.24. So it's uncertain exactly which currency auctions he's particularly talking about. πŸ€¨πŸ§πŸ€”✅

πŸ’’MM: Looking for placement of budget in Gazette on Saturday. If not Saturday then following Wednesday or Saturday. After 15 days it’s automatically approved. 

πŸ’’Ginger: Excellent point. This is fantastic! Plus I want folks to know that while Wed & Sat are the typical days the Gazette is published, it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility for them to even print a "Special Edition" on a day of their choosing in effort to speed the process up. To be clear, I'm not saying they WILL; I'm just saying it's safe to say they THEY CAN. Maybe this is something we can all pray for? Also a friendly reminder, in accordance to Iraq laws, their citizens must see the new rate of exchange in their National Gazette in print, before it becomes the law of the land. I love their emphasis on transparency before their citizens. Been telling you for a very long time that this is a necessary marker to watch for. ✅

πŸ’’MM: Iraq Parliament is talking about an “abundance”. Whereas their budget shows a trillion dinar deficit. Maybe they know something. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

πŸ’’ Ginger: Yes!! Absostinkinlutely!! πŸ’₯πŸ˜›πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ˜πŸ’₯ They know what abundance will rain down once the switch happens! Yay! πŸ˜πŸŽ‰. C'mon RI/RV!! Also want to remind everyone not to feel bummed because their older 1300 rate was named in the recent budget. They have mechanisms in place in Iraq, already established, that will permit them to change the rate at will. So just look at that little lousy number as fake news. We know the IQD will soon become "The Father of the Dollar" as Al Sudani so often reminds their people. They will reestablish themselves as the most valuable currency in the Middle East, in the world, basically. Fear not! 😁✅

πŸ’’Family, I'm getting more exciting news, too, but just need some more time to both clarify details and vet the information before I bring it forward. I've taken the last two days off work: and though I'm supposed to be "resting", so much info is coming in, it's kept me pretty busy. Oye. Stay grounded! Observe but don't absorb. I love you πŸ’“ 

~ Ginger of the Liberty Lounge 6.5.24

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