Monday, June 24, 2024

Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates, 24 JUNE

Expert likely to keep exchange rates within their current rates

The economist, Abdul Rahman Al-Mashdani, preferred to keep the dollar exchange rates within their current rates.

Al-Mashhadani {Euphrates News} explained that: “The launch of the 2024 budget financial amounts will increase the spending demand in the market, knowing that the operational spending of fixed wages and salaries and their impact will be constant.”

He added, “The investment budget is important because the projects require homemade and imported materials.”

Al-Mashhadani, indicated that “any direction of home-made materials such as construction industries such as steel, cement, sand, wood, etc., which have led to their rise locally and so on requirements go to keep exchange rates within their rates and not fall.”

Sale prices in banking shops in local markets in Baghdad today recorded 148,000 dinars for $100, while the purchase was 146,000 dinars for $100.


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