Thursday, June 6, 2024


Tues. 4 June 2024 Ron Davidoff

 “I called William the VP at Bank Note World and 100 Trillions.  He told me he is only allowed to sell $1000 a day per customer of Dong and Dinar.  I asked him who regulates him and he told me the US Treasury. 

 Ask yourself why would the US Treasury regulate a company that only sells collectible currencies? 

 I asked him why currencies like the Digitals increased in price ten hold over the past few days?  He told me they can no longer buy new uncirculated currencies (read into that).  He still gets circulated currency.  He told me the 100T Zim is now $300 for uncirculated and he is not sure if he can get anymore uncirculated ones. 

This can only mean Countries are no longer printing and selling new currency and that makes total sense with the RV coming and currencies switching over to asset backed.  Keep in mind he is really limited on what he can really tell me (wink and nod).”

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