Wednesday, June 19, 2024


💢 Absolutely LOVE this bank story from JP, Liberty Lounger Extraordinaire 💥 6.18.24  - She's such an articulate beauty 😍 🤩 ❤️🌺❤️⬇️

💢JP: Recently, about a month ago, after completing my business the Banker at Wells replied to my question about the  currency reset with "No, I don't know anything about that" with a smile.

 I smiled back and said nothing as I stared at her... after a few minutes of awkward silence she said..."We just do what we are told". With that I stood and said thank you. Have a nice day! 

Years prior, I think I shared this with you all before... I had a conversation with a wealth manager who just happened to be in the bank at this time.

 A private Banker introduced him to me. When I mentioned the GCR he said he isn't allowed to talk about it. So I suggested he listen and nod yes or no. 

This way he isn't talking, I am.  He nodded yes to the currency exchange. He nodded yes to new treasury notes backed by gold. 

He included that it is used for international trade. (Remember, by the time we hear about things happening, it's already done).

  He asked me if I purchased  currency from Wells and I affirmed. He asked how much of one of the currencies and I told him. 

He sat back when I told him how much and replied saying "Oh... we will definitely be calling you!" 

Listen, all the boxes have been checked and we have had a very long time to prepare. We know this is event driven, it is the 11th hour and it is 11:59.

 ARE YOU READY?! Mind body and soul bc our event will be bitter sweet! We will need the NDA period to heal and get our minds ready to complete our missions. ARE YOU READY?!

💢 WHY, YES I AM!!! YESSSS!! I AM!!! 💥🌟💥⭐💥🌟💥🌟💥🌟

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