Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Al-Muttalabi: The 2024 Budget Was Fair To The Ministries At The Expense Of The Provinces , 11 JUNE

 Al-Muttalabi: The 2024 Budget Was Fair To The Ministries At The Expense Of The Provinces

Policy  Information / Baghdad...  The former member of the Baghdad Provincial Council, Saad Al-Muttalabi, confirmed on Tuesday that there was an imbalance in directing budgets towards ministries instead of directing them towards local governments as they are concerned with service projects in their areas.

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Al-Muttalabi told Al-Maalouma Agency, “The ministries’ projects differ from the governorate’s projects, which is considered a local administrative unit that has its direct needs from the municipal directorates spread throughout the regions.”

He added, "Each municipality affiliated with the governorate has its own projects, needs, and plan, and they are presented to the advisory and engineering body in the governorate to be studied and drawn up. Its plan is sent to the Ministries of Planning and Finance, where the sent plan includes realistic solutions for the area in question, while the ministry does not look at such matters, but rather works." According to a federal strategic plan.

He stated, "It is a mistake for the budget to be directed to the ministries and the governorates and their projects and service plans are ignored. In addition, it is considered a constitutional flaw, as the projects must be primarily local, with the exception of security."  LINK 

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