Sunday, June 2, 2024

Al-Aboudi: The decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq is a big step towards full sovereignty, 2 JUNE

 Al-Aboudi: The decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq is a big step towards full sovereignty

Member of the General Authority of the National Wisdom Movement, Rahim Al-Aboudi, considered the decision to end UNAMI’s mission in Iraq a big step to prove complete sovereignty.

Al-Aboudi said {to Al-Furat News} that: “The United Nations is looking with another eye at Iraq and is following up on all political, security, social and economic activities. Therefore, this transition is a merit of the Iraqi people and political forces.”
 He added, "The government had a major role in this transition, and it is a major step to prove that Iraq has a different title and status and the need for complete sovereignty and dealing with the country on the basis of this entitlement."

Al-Aboudi continued, "Iraq adopted many decisions, as well as many foreign relations, whether at the level of Middle Eastern countries or countries of the world, in order to have a different role in the next stage."

He stated, "This decision has become an important responsibility for the government to affirm the right of the Iraqi people to be a growing and prosperous country. Today, Iraq is adopting a policy of calm in the region and proving itself."

Yesterday, Friday, the UN Security Council decided to withdraw the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), which has been in the country for more than 20 years, by the end of 2025, at the request of Baghdad. 

The unanimously adopted resolution stipulates extending the mandate of the mission, which was established in 2003, “for a final period of 19 months until January 31, 2025.”

The Iraqi government welcomed the UN Security Council's decision to end the mandate and tasks of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq. link

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