Wednesday, May 8, 2024

The Federal Court issues a decision regarding the postponement of the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, 8 MAY

The Federal Court issues a decision regarding the postponement of the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives

Alsumeria News – Politics

The court said in a statement received by Sumaria News, that it “issued its decision No. (86 / Federal / 2024), which includes the ruling that paragraph (2) of the House of Representatives’ decision taken in the second session on 27/1/2024, which includes postponing the election of the Speaker of the House of Representatives until the decision is decided on the cases by the judiciary.”

The coordination framework, on Monday, gave the Sunni blocs in the Iraqi Council of Representatives one week to resolve the file of electing a president of the council.المحكمة-الاتحادية-تصدر-قراراً-بخصوص-تأجيل-انتخاب-رئيس-مجلس-النواب?

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