Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Tues. 28 May 2024 Wolverine

  • Sovereign Bond Holders are getting ready to get notifications and lots happening with Paymasters getting ready.
  • I have been told Brazil should get liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May.
  • All is in line from Sat. 1 June onward for T3 and T4.
  • T1 and T2 are completed. This was confirmed with various sources.
  • I have been told the National Bank of Brazil (from my source on the inside), is that they are about to hopefully release the funds and their liquidity tomorrow Wed. 29 May for the bond holders.
  • Most of you are currency holders, and what I have been told (I know you guys are frustrated) is that anytime during the week we should get our notifications for currency.
  • There is a lot of intel I cannot tell you. I have been told not to say anything, but all good news coming in. Hope all I have been told will come to reality. I do not have anymore.
  • This is all that came through early this morning.
  • What I have been told is that Brazil will be released first, that is what came out, but cannot confirm, but that is what people say that Brazil will go first. I do not care who goes first, just want it to start.
  • Take care guys have a beautiful day. Wolverine.
  • On Sun. 26 May 2024 Wolverine received this text from Trump: Greeeeeeeeen Stop2End LET’S GOOOOOO!!!!!!  As I said before T1 and T2 are already finished. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. We should get good news this week. I have had confirmation that Brazil will start this week from the Central Bank of Brazil. Thurs. 6 June  is D Day.” 
  • Wed. 29 May 2024 MarkZ: “I absolutely believe this has started and cannot be stopped. …It’s very quiet still on the Historic Bond side. My European contact who had a meeting yesterday is still MIA. I still go straight to his voicemail. The phone is simply not turned on. I hope that is a very positive thing. I know of three Historic Bond Contacts with appointments today.”
  • On Wed. 29 May 2024 the MICA (Global Regulations) are done. Then, we begin the process of implementing the QFS. It will not be done in one day, but the process begins. …Goldilocks
  • Tues. 28 May 2024 Bruce via Sue: Our number one Intel Guy said we could expect midday and early evening for notifications anytime from now to the weekend Sat. 1 June and maybe exchange Thurs. 30 May through the weekend. Another call from a person very high and strategic said to look for the 800s anytime from tomorrow Wed. 29 to Tues. 4 June.
  • Tues. 28 May 2024 TNT: This morning’s notification still says 99.9%. Be Alert!

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