Tuesday, May 21, 2024



There's a lot of interesting news but one in particular just got my attention.  The conversation about floating the Iraqi dinar.  If ever you wanted something to happen and for it to move in a positive way, floating the Iraqi dinar would be it since they have not re-denominated and they have not removed the zeros, if they go to a floating exchange rate and... 

the world goes crazy and starts buying up a lot of Iraqi dinar and it causes the exchange rate to jump up in value really quickly ...as soon as you spot a rate you're comfortable with, man you better sell and...get rid of the dinar...This is really exciting if they decide to go that route.  I just don't think they're going to do it.

 Article:  "A reading in the fiscal and monetary policies of the IMF report - May 2024

  This is not good, mostly because they rely so much on oil revenues and they need to develop the private sector more...Yes Iraq is taking huge leaps and bounds but...there's a lot of things that still have to be done.

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