Thursday, May 2, 2024



Question:  "If thy delete the zeros will our dinars drop in value? If you're in Iraq you don't lose any value..

.People who are invested in the Iraq dinar...

EXAMPLE:   Let's pretend like the new exchange rate has changed and you can get $1 US for every 1 dinar...If you had the 25,000 dinar, the 1 to 1 would be perfect without them deleting the zeros.  That's because you would get $25,000 for your 25,000 dinar.  But if they delete the zeros...your 25,000 dinar is now reduced down to a 25 dinar.  Even if they go 1 for 1 that means you're 25 dinar is only worth $25.  So yes, your dinar would drop in value if they delete the zeros before the change in the exchange rate happens.

 [Response to Breitling post below.]  To strictly say the sole reason they added the three zeros to the Iraqi dinar is policy based inflation is not accurate.  Yes, it was the central bank of Iraq that devalued the currency...[and] added the 3 zeros...

The first gulf war you can see what the inflation rates were.  1991 - 180%.  That's really high.  '92 - 83%.  '93 - 207%.  1994 - 448%.  1995 - 387%.  When you average all these thing up, by the time we got into re-denomanating the currency and the new Iraqi dinars were created getting away from the Saddam notes and Swiss dinar to the currency we have today all these things contributed to it. Hyperinflation, mismanagement, all those things played a key part.  So there is no one thing that happened.

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