Monday, May 20, 2024



 [via PDKI]   Many banking sources  are expecting big things this week. Some expect things as early as today. Many bankers are upbeat about today and this up coming Memorial day weekend. …But, There is a lot of smoke out there.

Fri. 17 May 2024 MarkZ: On May 22nd, (This is from the IRS but other government agencies are also doing thi) they will be conducting emergency alert tests nationwide to all their employees on text messaging, email and laptop notifications. So they are prepared for  May 22nd.

MZ From a member: “Now in one of the top banks here in the country – they are very clued in on currencies. When they found out the amount of the currency they had they said “We need to sit down with you- but we can’t sit down with you until the 22nd. Our key people for wealth management are in training for foreign currencies and exchanges – but we want to sit down with as soon as they back from training.”

MZ: Now this doesn’t mean the RV will happen on the 22nd. But the bank can’t talk to them now even though they want to talk to them….until May 22nd. So- the top wealth management at a big bank with a big wealth management arm-and they get back from foreign currency exchange training on the  22nd –This is a great “tell.”

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