Monday, May 20, 2024




 We know that...Iraq paid back the IMF – a loan that they got in 2003...that's when the new 25 10,000 5000 1000 dinar notes were printed.  Our notes that we have now are printed starting in 2003.  And they paid the IMF back at $8 billion against a loan Iraq  received in 2003... Now, to do that, you had to have a revalued make that doable...

the rates are actually on the ATM’s in Baghdad in airports and other places. So have they converted over to I think the new rate in country – yes... they're keeping it hidden until they're ready for everything to be released.  

 ...we have about 17 - 18 currencies that are going up substantially in value. We know that you know that obviously dinar and Dong  - Dong is one of those...

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