Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Q & A

Question from Suki:

Hi Mtn Goat,
I was wondering this as well. If I remember correctly mid year, June, was also a feasible option. But you did mention January.  I am trying to stay grounded, but my Wings are flapping as fast as the news is in Iraq. If policies continue to move as fast as they are, Do you think we still have to wait another 6 months since January is the best time for them to make a fiscal change?
Thank you

Question from ashleypikes:

Thank you MG for a very exciting report today, yes the train is moving rapidly. As you mentioned we have moved into the second stage of financial an monetary reform. My question to you today is just how many more stages of reform are needed. It seems something is always added to the list in Iraq. You said not years to complete, however that is still a long time an since your contact has not given any timeframe which is proper conduct,, do we have to Wait till Biden is out or God forbid re-elected. Have you changed your tune in that scenario , thank you an blessings on you. We continue to wait . .

Answer Mnt Goat:

Guten tag Suki and ashleypikes. Seem both of these questions evolve around the timing of the RV. I will answer both now. As I have said a thousand times if not a million times in the last decade of my Newsletter – DO NOT DWELL ON THE TIMING. What good does this do for you? No one and not even the CBI knows the timing ,,,,get it? There is no such thing as delays it is all in your head. When the time is right Iraq will reinstate. There are other events that must proceed FOREX and I have reviewed these also many times. Don’t you get it by now?

Instead pay attention to the events as the reinstatement is a “byproduct” of the Financial Reforms more specifically Banking Reforms now underway. Did you reference the information I sent you on the Pillars of Financial Reform? Did you go read the White Paper? If you did then why are you asking me questions now on the timing of the RV? I do not in my heart believe that Biden will allow this event to occur. His administration may surprise us. we have had many surprises along this journey. It’s what you don’t know or what you think you know that will haunt you later.

Will we have to wait until January? It is a possibility, but I believe we may see it way before then. Oh… but you say the election is not until November and so Biden will still be around. Read between the lines folks,,, will you! I am saying he might not be around by then…get it? Why in hell do I spend all this time presenting the prophets and what God has to say about all this? Some say the U.S. has already signed off on it and we heard this a hundred times over too. Its all nonsense by nonsensical idiots trying to guess the RV timing. That is all it is. Get it? I am not going go there. If this is what you want then there are many idiot intel gurus out there that you can follow.

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