Friday, May 31, 2024


 Global Currency Reset:

Judy Note: In my opinion it appeared that Tiers 1 and 2 have been funded and Bond Holders may have received liquidity on Wed. 39 May– the same day they finalized regulations for the Global Currency Reset. Tier 3 was apparently under Non Disclosure Agreements so they may already have liquidity. Tier4b (Us, the Internet Group) could be notified for exchange appointments any time from Sat. 1 June to Tues. 4 June, with a final D Day of Thurs. 6 June. The Tier4b exchange/ bond redemption process was hoped to be finished by Sat. 15 June and if not, there was a back wall date of Thurs. 4 July when it was believed that the GCR would be announced to the General Public.

  • Thurs. 30 May 2024 Wolverine: “Beautiful news came through this morning that we were going to start tomorrow Fri. 31 May. We’ve heard this before but I’m praying that it becomes a reality tomorrow. It is a process which should be finished by June 15th. Thurs. 6 June is D Day.”
  • Thurs. 30 May 2024 Bruce (by Sue): High Sources says 800 numbers today or tomorrow Fri. 31 May and could kick off on Sat. 1 June.   
  • Thurs. 30 May 2024 Bank Story, Anon: “Today at 3am my wife got a text message from Santander Bank stating that her Google pay setup using the Santander Card had been cancelled. I spoke to the tech support and asked him are you on QFS? He said yes they are on Quantum Financial System. That Santander was on the QFS was very exciting news.”

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