Thursday, May 16, 2024

Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The Last 5 Years, 16 MAY

 Iraq Has The Tenth Worst Economic Growth In The Last 5 Years

May 10, 2024 Follow-up/National News Center   Iraq ranked highly globally among the countries with the least economic growth during the last 5 years, while poor economic growth was concentrated in the countries of Africa and the Middle East due to Corona and then the conflicts that have existed so far.

Iraq ranked 10th globally out of 190 countries around the world, as the tenth worst country in terms of economic growth during the years between 2020 and 2024.

 Iraq's economic growth during these last five years

     reached negative 0.8,

     ranking it tenth globally, and the

     third worst Arab economic growth after Sudan and Yemen.

Sudan came in first place as the worst country in terms of economic growth between 2020 and 2024, reaching negative 5.6%.

 On the contrary, Albania ranked last on the list of countries with poor economic growth, which makes it first in the world in terms of economic growth during 2020 to 2024, with a growth rate of 3.3%, according to “Seaworld.”   

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