Saturday, May 11, 2024



 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]   

FIREFLY:  My bank friend told me that [the new green 1000 dinar note] is on the CBI website.

  FRANK:  Fils will not only be in precious metals but they will also be in paper...You might see an article about this today or tomorrow...Look at this note [new green 1000] looks like a 1000 note but...this green one is going to become part of your ability to give back change. 

FIREFLY:  None of us have seen this before.

 FRANK:  This is 100% proof you have a new monetary reform coming because if they're going to introduce these fils in a paper form then that means you have a new exchange rate to adjust to it.

FIREFLY:  International Development Bank opens in Erbil.  

FRANK:  Notice how they are preparing your banks in many ways to receive the new exchange rate when Sudani releases it.  They talked to you about the float...the basket... the lower notes...the old lower notes, your history...Now they're going to tell you Iraqi citizens about your banks...they are educating you on the many services that your banks will be offering you once this exchange rate is released.

 FIREFLY:  Television says Iraq is now producing 1 million liters of gasoline on a daily basis with the new refineries...They are saying we will have enough gasoline for our self sufficiency of our county and also for global trading on the market..

 FIREFLY: They said our success is from the visit to the United States of America because it lifted almost all sanctions on our banks and others are close to being lifted too.  

FRANK:  They also delivered the new exchange rate.

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