Friday, May 10, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ. 05/09/2024

Thursday Evening News with MarkZ 

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good Thursday Evening…..this week is sure flying by!!!

Member: GE everyone. May the blessing rain down on us like a midwestern storm

Member: Mark are you under an NDA? 

MZ: Years ago I deposited some with a group in Reno and signed an NDA about the rate then. I have not been paid from this group and I am being quiet because I agreed to be quiet to not jeopardize anyones safety  or finances. 

MZ: Some of the stuff that I hear I will not share and put them in that position. 

Member: Mike Bara said he heard it was going public on Saturday the 11th

MZ: Nader did a video today on an article talking about the budget and having to send some things back to do the math because there is a budget shortfall. Meaning that the budget is greater than the money they have coming in so they need to make some adjustments. But, if the value were increased we would not have this problem. So a value change fixes all that. It also tells us how much money they have coming in from oil right now. About $280 million dollars per day. 

Member: Nadar also  said we will continue to have bases in Iraq. Signed by the generals 2 weeks ago.

Member: Did Iraq join the WTO today?

MZ: Every article I found says they are preparing to ascend to the World Trade Organization. I have not found one yet that says they have already ascended. 

Member: I will be going to Chase tomorrow to talk to a wealth manager

Member: it's so odd how some Chase managers will talk and others won't and can be rude!

Member: Mark, I received a call from PNC bank wanting me to come in so they can discuss how to better serve my needs!

MZ: I have a few bank stories that you all have sent me today.

MZ:  “ A few months ago I spoke with a few people from my local credit union. They had no knowledge of any RV and did not get involved with foreign currencies. I called this morning to try to take care of some outstanding debt and spoke with a loan officer- I made a joke about not needing it in a month, but had something pressing to take care of now. She asked what I meant about my statement and I mentioned the RV. She giggled and said 3 months ago my bank started doing system upgrades . They did approximately 4 upgrades. I asked if people in the branch did any training on foreign currency. She said Yes- but they will still have to send it out to be verified. Then I mentioned the timing between now and June. She smiled and would not say more except “We are ready for it” 

MZ: You will like this one as well. I edited it a bit for security….“ 5-8-2024. My husband went into our bank in Arkansas. A female bank officer always waits on him She said oh, I can’t wait to retire. My husband asked her if she knew about the QFS and Nesara/Gesara?  She smiled real big and glanced around the room. Then she reached behind her , pulled out a book and opened the first page….There was the new USN $10 bill that read “United States Note” He asked if he could please take a picture of it….she told him no because of the cameras on them . He sid they look just like the photos I have seen circulating. She said the bank had finished their QFS training, and are standing by and ready to go.”

MZ: We have had some great bank stories sent in by you all. And I had a talk with MilitiaMan today…..There are great expectations. We will get him in here soon so he can share them. 

MZ: It’s fantastic to see these bank stories in the real world.   

Member: We are all on the same journey. We can walk together be we have to take the steps. I’m glad I chose you all to walk with

Member: Have a great evening and a good nights sleep to everyone. 

Member: Thank You Mark have a Great Night everyone


Note from PDK: Please listen to the replay for all the details and entire stream….I do not transcribe political opinions, divisive social commentary,medical opinions or many guests on this stream……just RV/currency related topics.

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