Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Cofee with MarkZ. 05/14/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

​​ Member: Markz, Zester did another bang up job last evening.

Member: Howdy ya'll I hope everyone is ready for the day. 

​​Member: Any words of encouragement? I am getting very weary with all of this. Seems like it will never happen.

Member: Any good news for us today Mark? 

MZ: Nader and MM do all the heavy lifting this morning. I could have taken the morning off and said to just check out Nader and MilitiaMan today. They have knocked it out of the park today. 

MZ: Gold is up in Iraq- meaning Iraq’s gold reserves rose significantly. They are preparing to be unplugged from the SWIFT. To do that they are going to need a new value. 

MZ: MM does a great one on the UN Chapter 7. The progress has been steady, steady, steady…as we grind to the finish line. . But remember- we don’t know when…we don’t know the timing…..but they are openly discussing the new rates and openly preparing for them. . 

MZ: Be sure to go listen, Like and share those videos from Nader and MM. 

MZ: Last night I shared that we do have some bond money movement. Facilitators (paymasters) are getting money in their pockets. These are the people that put boxes of bonds with buyers of the bonds. They are intermediators. There is very real and trackable money movement there.These are bonds designated for humanitarian platforms.

MZ: I need to find a bond holder now that is sitting wealthy since the weekend. Have not been able to confirm that yet. 

Member: If they are under NDA’s …nobody should be talking…..I wouldn’t. 

MZ: : But this money moving to me is a clear indicator that things are well underway. I just want to see a new rate. 

Member: good news about the paymasters.. let’s pray this through!!

Member: GM Mark, do you have further details on the bond news? Which type of bonds were involved in the facilitator payment dragons, German, etc.)? Is the facilitator an individual or entity?...

MZ: The one I know for sure is German bonds. 

Member: I heard Sudani is making commercials telling his people about the new currency and the rate?

MZ: Yes and they even started a committee whose job is to help get that message out to the people. 

​​Member: They must have a rate for the memorandums signed yesterday in the energy sector. (Iraq) imo

Member: Mark...how about the Clearing Houses stating "finacial failure" inbound as Quadrillions in bonds about to MELT and the death of the Financial System ends!

Member: Goldilocks had an awesome article on a bank training their exchange staff

Member: AMC and GME (Gamestop) up 135% in pre-market this morning. Happend after 5 minutes of trading. Pigs are flying everywhere!!

MZ: “AMC raised $250 million in ATM offering as “Meme” stocks rocket higher.” They are breaking the shorts again.  

MZ: They are erasing nearly a entire years profit out of hedge funds right now by calling the shorts. I love it. Now when they finally call the silver shorts- game over and done….Thats a big one. 

Member: There are other podcasters saying now that we are not looking for RV until june or July.

MZ: I do not think it will go that far…My Iraqi folks are not seeing that…neither are my bank folks……..but if they are right…….are you prepared if it does??? No one knows the timing. They will cloud it and put out misinformation……But we all should prepare  and be cautious. 

MZ: Remember there is no podcast tonight while I am traveling. 

Member: Safe Travels Mark…..See you all tomorrow morning. 

Memberr: Praying for safe travels back to PR for Mark and Zester

Member: Hoping this is a bang up week!!!


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