Friday, May 3, 2024

APIKUR welcomes formation of Baghdad-Erbil committees, 4 MAY

APIKUR welcomes formation of Baghdad-Erbil committees

ERBIL (Kurdistan24) – The Association of the Petroleum Industry of Kurdistan (APIKUR) on Friday in a statement welcomed the formation of the Baghdad-Erbil committees.

“Recently announced by the Iraqi Minister of Oil with the stated goal to restore oil exports through the IraqTürkiye pipeline. We are awaiting official notification of international oil companies’ role in these critical negotiations,” the statement read.

Hayyan Abdul Ghani, Iraq’s Oil Minister, told Kurdistan24 earlier that the production and export of oil from Kurdistan Region fields would be resumed.

Meanwhile, Kurdistan24 was informed by the Director General of SOMO that their recent meetings with the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Ministry of Natural Resources in Erbil were positive on the issue of Kurdistan Region oil export to Turkish Ceyhan Port. The Turkish side is making preparationsfor export.

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