Saturday, April 13, 2024


 Fri. 12 April 2024 Wolverine

 The Patriot Fest PPN guys were actually at Mara-Lago yesterday Thurs. 11 April. Charlie Ward was there and many others. They met President Trump.

  • I cannot tell you what was told to me regarding their visit, but we are actually about to cross the finish line. I had tears in my eyes when I heard what I was told. 
  • I couldn’t be at the PPN – the Patriot Fest. I will see if I can send out a video call and appear that way. I cannot be there. It was too expensive for me. I thought I would be able to go this week, thinking I would be blessed this week, but it did not work out that way. I would have loved to have been there with the PPN guys!
  • Now, for the big news:  we are hearing things are rolling – things have started. I have spoken to high contacts, and they have received their Green Light to go on Mon. 15 April to get their blessing. 
  • Things are rolling in Reno. 
  • With God’s Grace this week, I hope to release the opera. Things are lining up for15th of April. 
  • We are finally closing in now to meet this new world promised us by God. I want you all to always remember where you were, what day it was, what time it was when we got the Green Light, which will BE THE opera. 
  • Please get ready. Thank you for all the support. It has not been easy for me. Maybe… I was called by God to do this for all of you. I did not ask for this, it just happened. I am grateful to God for leading me to all of you – to lead you to Freedom. 

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