Sunday, April 14, 2024



Anyone who does not believe that cryptocurrency has anything to do with the new Digital Banking System is in the Dark Ages. 

After next week, we are going to see massive adoption of Bitcoin ETF and Ethereum ETF beyond just the United States of America Markets.

The new drivers of the new economy are Bitcoin and Ethereum at this point, this does not mean they will hold that position over time. It just means they are the first movers. 

The liquidity that is about to come in the cryptocurrency market through this Bitcoin halving cannot be understated. 

We are witnessing our bridge into the new Digital Banking System. As I have stated before, this is the first RV we are currently and still moving into at this point. This is Phase 1. 

Phase 2 will encompass many changes to the Gold and Silver Markets going forward that will support and back our second RV. Our paper currency. 

Credit Valuation Adjustments will be taking place on every level of our new Financial System going forward. 

Remember, the new Financial system has many layers to it. Each layer stacks one on top of the other to support each other. The moment of truth is here. As one Financial System falls, the building blocks to the new Digital Economy are about to be tested.

This Bitcoin halving will make this asset scarce. The week ahead of us will have many volatile moments in digital assets ending in the culminating event of a halving for Bitcoin. You will hear many people refer to this week's events of turning our Digital Economy into Digital Gold.

© Goldilocks

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