Monday, April 22, 2024

Sudanese: We have reached satisfactory solutions with the US Treasury to address the situation of the banks, 22 APRIL

 Economy News – Baghdad

Prime Minister Mohamed Shiaa Al-Sudani announced on Saturday that a satisfactory agreement was reached with the US side on banks deprived of dealing in the dollar currency.

Al-Sudani said in a press conference, seen by “Economy News”, that “the Iraqi delegation held important meetings with the US Treasury, with which the Iraqi government and the Central Bank are working, to reform the financial banking sector in Iraq and address the observations that have occurred in this sector in the time of previous governments.”

He added that “the delegation reached satisfactory solutions, addressing the situation of banks deprived of dealing in dollars through the formation of committees to audit the observations indicated on these banks,” noting that “if the observations are material, the deprivation procedures continue, even if the observations can be processed and reforms can be carried out within these banks under the supervision of the Central Bank, to be addressed in dollars to be dealt with in the future.”

Al-Sudani stressed that “the impression of the US Treasury was positive on the performance of Iraqi financial institutions, whether it is the central bank or the government banking sector and was at the peak of optimism, given the reforms achieved during a short period of the life of this government.”

He pointed out that “80% of financial transactions and transfers are carried out today in accordance with international standards, with the US Treasury certificate,” noting that “the government will continue to reform the financial and banking sector, which is a basic gateway to create economic development and real reforms.”

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