Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sudanese at the Labor Conference: The development path is the first of its kind and will provide great opportunities, 28 APRIL

Sudanese at the Labor Conference: The development path is the first of its kind and will provide great opportunities

Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani said today, Saturday, during a speech he delivered at the opening of the Arab Labor Conference in Baghdad, that the development road project is the first of its kind and will provide great opportunities for work through the industries that will take place in the areas through which it will pass.

The text of Sudanese’s speech:

Everyone anticipated congratulations to the workers of the world on their holiday, the first of May, wishing them and their trade union and labor organizations further progress and prosperity.

The world is witnessing crises whose impact has been reflected on the global economy and the social, psychological and economic situation of the peoples of the Arab Organization, and has negatively affected labor productivity.

The Arab Action Conference held in Baghdad bears additional responsibilities beyond those that previous conferences used to discuss.

 It is necessary to work to improve the performance of labor market institutions and elements, and to build a qualitative relationship between educational outcomes and labor market needs.

Women must be attracted to work as a productive force that cannot be stopped, and child labor must be limited.

We stress the importance of adopting new production methods, raising the level of workers and institutions, creativity, innovation, and cooperation with modern technology.

Our current government has launched many strategies and initiatives that will improve the reality of work and workers.

We launched the “National Strategy to Reduce and Prevent Inequalities in the World of Work for 2024-2028” in cooperation with the International Labor Organization.

We launched employment and development initiatives for various categories, foremost of which is the “Riyada” initiative, to qualify young people and introduce them to the labor market.

The youth group represents 60% of our society, and is the backbone of the labor movement.

We established the Iraq Fund for Development with huge capital in order to create an investment environment that provides thousands of job opportunities.

The success of the Baghdad conference depends on the seriousness of the participation of the organizations of the three production parties and on social dialogue.

The government is working on drawing future visions regarding new economic sectors, such as the green economy, the digital economy, the knowledge economy, and the blue economy, that is, water bodies, rivers, and others.

We look forward to building modern business institutions; To achieve a qualitative leap in performance, legislation, oversight and occupational safety in a manner consistent with the goals of sustainable development.

Integration between Arab countries can provide a labor market that accommodates all those capable of working.

We launched the development road project, which will provide many job opportunities, through the industries that will be localized in the areas it passes through.   link

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