Thursday, April 11, 2024


 Sandy Ingram 

  The upcoming visit by the Iraqi Prime minister to Washington DC is a significant event packed with potential and fraught with challenges.  The meeting is expected to address a range of issues from the fight against the Islamic Iraqi financial reforms...  As the clock ticks down to April 15, the world watches with bated breath.  Will this be the turning point that ushers in a new era of cooperation between the United States and Iraq?  Time as they say will tell.

 Zimbabwe has a new structured currency... People will have 21 days from Friday April 5th to exchange their currency for the new structured currency...[We] were always concerned Iraq would use this same process to eliminate the millions of Iraqi dinar banknotes outside the country.  If this were Iraq and not Zimbabwe, you would only have 21 days to exchange the currency within Iraq.

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