Friday, April 5, 2024


 Militia Man  

Raising the value of your currency is going to help make it easier for sustainable development and deducing the phenomenon of cash.  

In other words if you have a 1 to 1 ratio you have a significant reduction in cash do you not?  I think you do.  If it was at a previous era, for instance...$2.80, $3.22..wouldn't that be a phenomenon of less cash in the economy?  Of course it would.

 IMO you're not going to see the Oil and Gas Law until you see an exchange rate change.  They're going to have to have asset valuation for that and we have not seen anything other than 1310...  

Article: "The United States has closed the account through with the Iraq collects revenue from its oil sales"  

 The DFI fund was closed on March 18th...Big change.  We have not seen this before.   Is it a smoking gun...If they were going to stop an account that had protection for all their oil money and they just now relinquished a couple weeks ago I think that's pretty big...They must have felt comfortable in a sense they could handle recourse on that debt...I'll tell you this, if they change the value from 1310 to a previous era, it'll become a lot cheaper to pay off their debts...

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