Monday, April 29, 2024


 Militia Man  

Article:  "We will see the dollar decline in the black market soon...the central bank's credit rating [from the World Bank] is an A++ and exceeded the United Arab Emirates... That's the prime minister's advisor talking...That's phenomenal.  It's big.  It says a lot.  It says they have trust.  It says Iraq has the ability to pay back their bills.

Article quote: "...anticipating the impact of the central bank agreement with the US Treasury on exchange is hoped the Central Bank of Iraq will announce the measures that were agreed upon in Washington which could have positive impact on the exchange rate..."   The key focus is they're talking about the exchange rate, positive impacts, the US Treasury on exchange rates.  That is fascinating.

  There's clear signals the dinar and dollar relationship are going to be different in the future.  They state specifically the dinar will be better.  It's going to be stronger than the dollar, al-Sudani said it.  It's going to be better because of what?  Because of all these actions they're talking about now...It's huge.

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