Tuesday, April 9, 2024


 Militia Man

  Iraq is getting ready to go international and they are going to become a powerhouse in the world because they have a lot of value.  They have a a lot of assets.  They have natural resources to the extent...they're 1st, 2nd, 5th, 10th in the world of having the biggest deposits in the world.  They also have one of the youngest populations and growing populations... The WTO and the World Customs Organization are probably chomping at the bit waiting for Iraq to do what? Give themselves a Real Effective Exchange Rate and to move forward..

Al-Sudani is coming to America and hopefully coming home that he has accomplished everything in Iraq's favor as a whole.   So give or take, whether it's before he comes home or after he comes home Iraq is going to be whole.   That means everything is in Iraq's cards...they have the ability to be sovereign again.  That's what we're waiting for.

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