Monday, April 29, 2024



 [via PDK]   Comment:  This week sure feels promising to me.  MarkZ:  I agree – it does feel promising.  I am expecting a lot of key information to come out this week.

 In Iraq “Iraq’s Federal Board of Supreme Audit exposes US $600 million corruption scandal involving “ghost travelers”  Iraq allowed people to get US cash when they said they were going to travel abroad. People were getting cash and were not traveling at all…and the money went to the parallel markets….  The US claims this is “corruption”  This is more proof positive they need to change that dinar rate as soon as possible.

There is some anticipation from one of my redemption center contacts who is expecting to work this weekend….  I take that as positive... 

...a little more news out of Vietnam...they continue to crackdown on corruption: “Vietnam jails soft drink tycoon for eight years in $40M fraud case”  ...I am leaning toward they are cleaning the system to change the value of the VND.

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