Saturday, April 20, 2024



 Houston Texas and Dearborn Michigan...Al-Sudani arriving [motorcade].  I stopped counting when I got up to 50.  You're telling me that all these gigantic monstrous vehicles that are escorting the Prime Minister of Iraq is bring a program rate to the world?  You need this type of security for toilet paper value?  Of course not...This is serious.  When the delegation returns back to Iraq, we already told you IOO what is going to happen...

 You know the competition that is going to be with those private banks from the CBI [in the US] with American banks?

  It's going to be massive and people don't even understand that right now.  American banks are going to come after you and they know you.  They know who has dinars.  The US Treasury will tell them...Yes, they're going to tell them.  They already told them.  This is massive what is about to happen...

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