Friday, April 12, 2024



  Iraq is a sovereign nation now with a sovereign currency.  Therefore IMO Sudani goes to Washington to deal with Monetary Reform and banking advancement...Billions and billions are retuning to Iraq.  It's an incredible amount of money that's coming back.  It'll [DFI?] probably come back to them now or after the 15th when Sudani comes back.

 ...We are in the best position possible.  We already went to the banks in Ohio.  We already opened an account - Checking/Savings whatever you want...Some banks are willing to talk and say a little bit...I respect those banks.

  The banks that are telling me that, 'No we don't know anything.  No, it's a scam.  No, it's never going happen.' ...I will never do business with those banks.  Never...I'm going to start with Chase...We can go to Well Fargo...

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