Thursday, April 11, 2024



 Do you think the world is interested in the monetary reform? 

 No, you are.  You are such a small populous.  The amount of people that have dinars as an investment is minuscule .  The CBI doesn't care about you having dinars.  They care about countries that have dinars in their reserves.  You're talking billions.  That's serious money...It's not the contracts, businesses, companies that are excited about the monetary reform like you are.  No, they're excited about the economic reform because that's where they're going to make money.  If the economic reform is not successful they know they're screwed.

To release executive order 13303 IMO was the domino effect that also released the DFI funds... IMO the currency exchange of the Iraqi dinar is under the DFI fund.  Executive order 13303 has not been resigned therefore the DFI fund is free to be returned, therefore Iraq needs to protect those funds with a new exchange rate...To not see Biden resign this executive order it means to me the monetary reform/new exchange rate is free as a bird to be exposed, to come out for the citizens to use to add purchasing power to their currency. 

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