Sunday, April 21, 2024



  LOP...people that are smart, economist, get this wrong.  The underlying definition is hyperinflation.  How do people fight it?  By removing the zeros.  Nothing wrong with that.  It's smart.  But it's hyperinflation.  People will point out incorrectly, look at Iraq... The best analysis I've read is that it [the dinar] was worth at it's height 2.25 to the U.S. dollar...Iraq has never had a customer problem.  That's where you find the hidden value in this investment.  It's not hyperinflation..

There is inflation but it's 100% policy based inflation.  You had this currency that was worth a lot of money...What was their number one export?  

Energy.  Then war came along.  You had war inflation.  But did Iraq's customer base change?  No.  Did their oil producing output change?  No, it went up.  That's where you're going to find the value.  That's where the value is coming from.  That's it.

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