Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Parliamentary Finance: The budget tables are still with the government and 20 days to approve them in Parliament, 2 APRIL

  Parliamentary Finance: The budget tables are still with the government and 20 days to approve them in Parliament

{Economic: Euphrates News} A member of the parliamentary finance committee, Jamal Kojar, expected that the schedules will take 20 days in parliament after they arrive from the government for approval.

In a press statement, Koger stated that "the 2024 budget tables have not reached the House of Representatives so far because they are still on the cabinet table."

He added that "a tripartite budget has been approved, and we have given the authority to the government to spend the 2023 budget, while the 2024 and 2025 budgets must be reviewed by parliament because some projects ended last year, so they must be removed from the 2024 and 2025 budgets," stressing that "the schedules are not fixed because oil prices and financial resources fluctuate, and the number of employees and retirees is increasing."

Koger added that "any law must go through three stages until it is approved, the first stage begins in the concerned committee, the second is public discussions in the council, and the third is voting," noting that "there is no approval or amendment to any law before it passes through the three stages."

Koger concluded by saying that "the general budget law takes (20-40) days," predicting that "schedules will take shorter."

A few days ago, the Council of Ministers received the budget tables from the Ministry of Finance, and work began on them to sign them and send them later to the House of Representatives.

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