Saturday, April 20, 2024



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

  FIREFLY:  Television is showing that the delegation is saying  that the term sanction is rejected.  The delegation is saying we reject this because we are a sovereign country and financially independent.  FRANK: No burdens!  No sanctions!  No program rate!

 [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report]  

FIREFLY: meeting with Iraqi business owners in the United States of America ...They're talking about visits that will bring more stability.  They're saying they are going to return the dinar to its price and how the dollar will drop dramatically and not be used in Iraq.  A lot is being said about the strength of our currency of the dinar and the meeting is over 100 of these companies. 

FIREFLY:  Reported on our television...Part of the government delegation saying we will witness a rapid drop in the dollar in the coming days

 FRANK:  Whoop there it is! ...They're about to put up those screens to show you the lower notes when Sudani returns... 

FIREFLY:  Television is showing the CBI governor and team is meeting with the United States of America Treasury Department about the Iraq banks saying it's about the rehabilitation of these banks to the United States Treasury regulations.  Talking about those banks are needed for the reform to maximize. 

 FRANK: Didn't I tell you these 28 banks are the key part of the reinstatement?  But that would be internally.  Externally that's like Aki [Walkingstick's banking friend in the U.S.] and the private banks.

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