Monday, April 29, 2024



  [Iraq boots-on-the-ground report] 

    FIREFLY: We have Saleh the finance advisor to Sudani on television, Iraqi Channel One right now and he's saying that today the 2024 budget it's in full force.  He also says it's active and there's no need to send this budget to parliament for any approval.  We are very confused.  We thought it was being amended...Now saying no need to send

 FRANK:  The budget does not need parliament.  I keep telling you this over and over over.  The budget waits for the new exchange rate.  The exchange rate is not waiting for anyone or anything especially stupid parliament.

FIREFLY:  The CBI comes out, they're talking about our banks and how much they have achieved and what they're going to be doing for us.   They're saying they are waiting to reveal what the USA Treasury has set for the positive results for our new exchange rate.  They are talking about the new exchange rate that's coming and they're saying it's a very positive impact that is coming.  

FRANK: Yeah you think!!  The beauty of this is this information is coming out so fast there's no way in the world that the articles can keep up with it.

 FIREFLY:  The new shipping cards [MasterCard], banks are giving this to all of us Iraqi citizens.  It's for buying fuel and for merchandising and stores and online shopping.  This is all on the television...obviously they're setting us up to give us a new exchange rate...

 FRANK:  Those that I told you to pay attention to are telling you, due to the trip to Washington DC your national currency, your dinar, will return to its price.  It will be reinstated back to what it was...

 FIREFLY:  TV says the Iraqi banks now have an advanced Swift system for high cash profit handling.

 FRANK:  That's really good because you didn't have that before because you didn't have any high value to your currency.  But now you're about to explode it...It's not like you have to read between the lines, just read the lines...

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