Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 04/23/2024

Evening News with MarkZ and Zester. 04/23/2024

Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening Mark Mods and fellow RV’ers

Member: One for the money two for the show three get ready for RV…. let’s go let’s go

Member: I heard that the invention of the spoon was an important point in human history. It caused…quite a stir.

Member: It all sounds good but we are still waiting and wandering…. I sure hope we get some news that has teeth in it….

Member: With a lot of people under NDA s -that’s good news

MZ: That is great news. There are a number of high profile paymasters under an NDA now. Along with all the bondholders under NDA’s….This is exceptional news. Now we need to know “when” for the rest of us.

MZ: But, it’s fantastic and exciting to finally see some movement from some of the biggest of groups. There are also more and more bond confirmations that make me feel warm and fuzzy. We don’t know when they will be complete but am excited over the progress I am seeing.

Member: Are you under an NDA now Mark?

MZ: When I am- you won’t need to ask…I will tell you.

Member: You said Bond money is moving this morning. What does that mean for us as a timeline?

MZ: I don’t know exactly. That is what I am trying to pin down. But, I firmly believe it has started and cannot be stopped now.

Member: There is a rumor a contractor living in the US used his CBI card and the rate was about $3.91

MZ: About a million of you sent that to me today. There have been inconsistencies between people here and inconsistencies on rates and payments for different contractors. But we are seeing those irregularities that I attribute to testing the system or priming the pump. Seeing how everything works together.

MZ:  As we understand it the AI for the QFS is controlling things. If there is a value change on one…they have to see how it affects others. So to me- they are testing the system….or priming the pump to see how it works. The lucky ones chosen to do this just got one heck of a windfall.

Member: Do you believe the $3.91 story is real?

MZ: Yes I do believe it’s real But, I do not believe that is the rate everybody gets because I have talked to some with these debit cards in the US and they have not seen that rate change. Whereas others have… I think they are priming the pump and testing the system.

MZ: “ IMF issues warning to Biden Administration on out of control deficit spending.” We are watching things unfold in front of our eyes.

Member: Can u explain who actually pulls the trigger? Is it Iraq, IMF, military or U.S. getting so confused?

Member: At that level…we may never know for sure.

Member: Thanks to Mark and Zester…….everyone enjoy your evening…..sweet RV dreams

Zester joins the stream today. Please listen to Replay for his information and opinions.


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