Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 04/24/2024

Thank you MarkZ for all your time, and encouragement daily….. PDK

MarkZ  Update- Some highlights by PDK-Not verbatim

MarkZ Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes do not catch everything and its best to watch the video so that you get everything in context.  Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Coffee with MarkZ and Andy Schectman. 04/24/2024

Member: Good morning RV Brothers and Sisters

Member: I have a bottle of Dom that was a gift at our wedding 21 years ago - just waiting for the GO

Member: So has RV started?

MZ I believe it has started and is not going back. 

MZ: We continue to get more reports from the bond side and the group side. It very much appears to be well underway. 

Member: Historic Bonds are being paid!!!!!! Whoo hoo!!! We have to be close to our turn. 

Member: How long will it take to trickle down to us?

MZ: That is what I am trying to figure out. 

Member: I heard from a friend yesterday that has Chinese bonds –She was told by the bond people that it would take around 2-3 weeks for payouts. 

MZ: There are many on the bond side getting notices of payments. We are seeing real and clear progress on the bond side. 

Member: If we only need 30%  done before we can go……it probably won’t be that long. 

Member: How is the rate out and we’re not getting our notifications?

Member: Rate has not hit the FOREX yet ... and its a temp rate from what I hear. Our rate at the exchange could be a little higher due to the oil for dinar program

Member: Heard Iraq officially joins WTO on the 9th of May ??  If so – the new rate should be released before then?

MZ: Let’s talk about Venezuela: “BRICS: Another country OFFICIALLY ditches the US dollar” They have ditched USD in favor of other local currencies. Anything but the US dollar for their oil….they no longer sell their oil for the USD. This is powerful . 

MZ: “Maduro’s Venezuela hires the Rothschilds to help restructure it’s foreign debt” This sstory broke this morning at the Gateway pundit. Believe it or not this is a positive sign as they prepare.Venezuela wants to return to the world stage and ditch the US dollar.  

Member: And IMF warns America's unsustainable fiscal practices creating risks for GLOBAL economy.

Member: I thought the Rothschilds are big deep state crooks? Oh well. 

Member: Is it true they will not let people with a felony RV?

MZ: If you have paid your debt to society –you have nothing to worry about. 

MZ: “From a few days ago –in case you missed it “ Vietnam Central Bank plans forex intervention” They are ready to defend and strengthen its currency. You are finally starting to see it in the news. It’s not all about Iraq. 

Member: I’m confused. We watch bonds and Iraq for re-evaluation. Mr C states Dragon family needs “perp walks” to release gold for RV funding. Are we watching the wrong thing?

Member: The rats can run but they can't hide- but perhaps it will all go at once. Arrests and RV?

Member: We need Nesara?

Member: It seems like the economy must collapse so that the world will be open to NESARA.

Member: Where in Dinar Recaps will the notice be posted? There are so many sections?

Member: I would say right on the very top…in huge letters. They said a while ago that they would post fireworks and a big congratulations post on the front page.

MZ: We do not know exactly when we get notifications. But you will probably receive notifications from several different places.  Including any currency dealers you purchased from. The banks told me they will sent notices to the Currency news aggregating sites to send to their mail lists like Recaps, Chronicles and others. There is a zero chance you will miss it. 

Member: Plus Mark, Frank, TNT, Bruce and every other guru.

Member: How much cash can we take after we exchange?

MZ: I am told ZERO. There will not be cash at our exchanges for security purposes. It would be foolish to walk out of there with a lot of cash…..BUT, after you are done- you can go to your bank and see a teller to get the cash you need. 

Member: My chase bank said they will contact me when it is time. 

MZ: If you have a relationship with a banker already….they will happily reach out to you when its time. 

Member: Is this the first time you have seen this much positive info Mark?

MZ: This is unprecedented. We have never seen this type of movement…. This is an absolute first in this journey.  

Member: Thank you Mark you have calmed down a lot of people this morning

Member: i can’t wait till i can prove to my kids I am not nuts.

Member: Our “I told you so” day is coming…..Thank God.

Thanks Mark, Andy and mods……everyone enjoy your day….the best is yet to come

Andy Schecctman from Miles Franklin joins the stream today. Please listen to the replay for his information and opinions.  

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