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Awake-in-3D: The Great Fiat Currency Reset, 7 APRIL

 Awake-in-3D: The Great Fiat Currency Reset

The Great Fiat Currency Reset: Myth or Inevitable Reality?

On April 1, 2024
By Awake-In-3D

The prospect of a “Fiat Currency Reset” stirs the pot of financial discourse, promising or threatening to redraw the very lines of our monetary system.

Over the past 15 years, global discussion and expectation of a “Fiat Currency Reset” has emerged as a phoenix rising from the ashes of economic uncertainty.

With central banks and governments worldwide losing control of inflation, currency devaluation, and mounting debts, the question of whether a reset is a mere myth or an inevitable future becomes increasingly pertinent.

The Genesis of the Debate

The idea of a fiat currency reset revolves around the comprehensive overhaul of the global monetary system, specifically the revaluation or devaluation of national currencies not backed by physical commodities.

Unlike the gold-standard era, today’s fiat currencies derive their value from government decree and public trust. However, this trust is under scrutiny as inflation rates soar and debts balloon to unsustainable levels.

Economic Indicators and Potential Triggers

A closer examination of economic indicators reveals troubling signs. Inflation rates in several major economies have reached heights unseen in decades, eroding purchasing power and igniting fears of stagflation. Concurrently, global debt, swelled by plandemic-related spending and expansive monetary policies, has reached a staggering $313 trillion, according to the Institute of International Finance.

Such conditions are ripe for speculation on a fiat currency reset. Historically, economic crises have prompted drastic monetary reforms, from the Bretton Woods Agreement to the Plaza Accord. Today’s triggers could range from a catastrophic debt default by a major economy to a sudden loss of confidence in a leading fiat currency.

Central Bank Policies: Fuel to the Fire?

Central banks find themselves at the epicenter of this debate. Their policies, particularly quantitative easing and low interest rates, have been double-edged swords. While stabilizing economies during downturns, these policies have also inflated asset bubbles and debt levels, raising questions about their long-term sustainability.

The advent of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) adds another layer to the discussion. Proponents argue that CBDCs could offer more efficient payment systems and greater financial inclusion. However, critics fear they may grant governments unprecedented control over financial transactions, potentially paving the way for a fiat reset through digital means.

The Role of Gold and Devaluation Trends

Gold has traditionally been a barometer of financial health and a hedge against fiat currency devaluation. In times of economic turmoil, investors flock to gold, driving up its value as confidence in fiat currencies wanes. This dynamic underscores gold’s significant relevance in discussions about a fiat currency reset.

Moreover, currency devaluation trends highlight the vulnerability of fiat money. Countries engaging in competitive devaluation to boost export competitiveness inadvertently fuel a race to the bottom, undermining global financial stability and reinforcing the case for a reset.

Implications for Savings and Investments

For the average person, the prospect of a fiat currency reset holds great uncertainty. Savings and investments denominated in fiat currencies could face significant risks in the event of a reset, from devaluation to conversion into new monetary units. Financial experts advocate for diversified portfolios, including assets less susceptible to inflationary pressures and currency risks, such as precious metals, real estate, and cryptocurrencies.

Surviving a Fiat Currency Reset

Survival strategies in a fiat currency reset scenario emphasize financial prudence and diversification. A growing list of financial planners recommend building a reserve of physical assets, such as gold and silver, and exploring digital currencies as alternative stores of value. Additionally, staying informed about central bank policies and global economic trends is crucial for timely adjustments to financial strategies.

Conclusion: Navigating Uncharted Waters

The debate over a fiat currency reset encapsulates the broader challenges facing the global financial system. While a comprehensive reset remains unpredictable, the underlying economic pressures are undeniable.

In this era of government and central planner fiscal insanity, the prospect of a global fiat currency reset challenges us to rethink our assumptions about money, purchasing power value, and stability.

Whether or not a reset materializes the way we expect, the discussion it sparks is invaluable, pushing all of us to confront the realities of our fiat currency financial system experiment and consider the path forward with positivity, engagement, and courage.


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