Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Advisor to the Prime Minister: Budget schedules resolved in the middle of this month, 3 APRIL

Advisor to the Prime Minister: Budget schedules resolved in the middle of this month

The financial adviser to the Prime Minister, Mazhar Mohammed Saleh, signed the approval of the budget schedules in the middle of April.

“The budget schedules are supposed to be decided in mid-April probably,” Saleh said in a press statement.
He added that “the tripartite federal general budget, which was stated in Law No. 13 of 2024, did not be without the principle of its annuality in the issue of preparing the annual schedules and submitting them to the House of Representatives for approval, specifically for the two years (2024, 2025).
He stressed, “The law on the approval of the tripartite budget constitutes an expression of an exchange of trust between the legislative and executive authorities to manage public financial affairs in our country to ensure the continued implementation of investment projects and the communication in the adoption of new projects in an integrated and planned manner.”
Saleh continued that “annual government spending constitutes about 50% of the value of GDP directly, and exceeds 80% indirectly by affecting the work cycle and the general activities of the market and building its positive expectations and stability.”

He pointed out that “the three-year budget was the first experiment that was adopted in the financial history of the country and was adopted based on an explicit legal text contained in the Federal Financial Management Law No. 6 of 2019 as amended, so it became necessary to document this financial experience rich in its economic contents and evaluate its results and the requirements for its implementation in the future when proceeding with its adoption again, including the proposal to study an appropriate ame ndment to some provisions of the Financial Management Law in light of what was produced by the experience of the application of the Tripartite Federal Public Budget Law.”

The Council of Ministers, a few days ago, received the budget schedules from the Ministry of Finance, and began work on them to sign and later send them to the House of Representatives.

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