Monday, April 8, 2024



 While all Tier 1 and 2 banks have foreign currency exchange counters, while not every branch may process exchanges in most all the larger city branches provide this service.  Anyone, whether a bank customer or not can enter and exchange acceptable foreign currency that is traded on the FOREX.  The banker looks up on their screen what the Bid and the Asked prices for said currency and if you are purchasing you pay the Bid and if you are selling you receiver the Asked, the difference being the what is considered the commission.  

   How the Exchange Center concept was created was to offer the additional cash associated with our exchanging currency so we could participate in the Chinese Elders offer of a rate above the FOREX published rates in order for us to be the bridge to improving humanity for those less fortunate.  We would also personally benefit by offsetting some of the costs associated in gifting to others outside of our immedate family.  Establishing Trusts and Foundations, etc.

Texas Snake, [03/16/2024, 1:34:29 p. m.]:

If you were not required to provide an email address or a phone number upon purchasing currency, or if you have not subscribed to a foreign currency internet service providing your email address to receive daily currency updates chances are pretty good you will not be notified when the currency revalues.                                                                                                   The exchange centers were set up in conjunction with the major Tier 1 banks to assist the public in exchanging their currency as well as to offer wealth management services to the new rich.  You may elect to accept their offer or seek other investment management services.

You receive an email or phone call to contact by using an 800 number to discuss exchanging currency you have purchased.  You will be asked to identify you hold, and a city in which you would like to exchange in, as well as the Tier 1 bank you would like to conduct your business through.  You just need to identify the particular currencies you hold not the amounts of each.  Once you have provided this you will be given a second number to contact the bank you wish to use in the city of your choice.  This second number is who you will establish your appointment to exchange with by date and time and will be given instruction of all you need to bring along fo ID purposes.

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