Sunday, March 10, 2024


Weekend News with MarkZ 3-9-2024
CBD gurus are in for the first 45 minutes and then Mark appears with recreational vehicles news.
Member: Welcome to the weekend... Hopefully our last weekend without a motorhome!!.
MZ: A great way to start the weekend is last night's MilitiaMan video.... He is doing a great job reviewing the overwhelming amount of articles that came out this week on Iraqi progress, global accomplishments, projects, funding, WMO and government. Make sure you listen and support their videos.
Member: Simply Linn Bank history was great so far. Let's hope we're here at the finish line!!!
MZ: I know everybody talking about the Simply Linn video where the gentleman calls with his banking history... I'll leave the link here. It's a long video but the story of the bank starts around minute 42:00. Be sure to listen and give credit and support to Simply Linn for this video.
MZ: In a nutshell, a guy goes to a chase bank and they don't know shit.. He goes to another and sits down with a personal banker who asks him what assets he has... and the guy says he has foreign currency... dinars and dongs. ....... bring in a heritage manager....... Whose eyes are illuminating and the Heritage Manager shared some serious details about the exchange and the QFS: they suggested you trade outside your area to maintain anonymity and security and prevent local cashiers from talking about your exchange.
MZ: I thought this was brilliant and plan to do it too. Ain't no changes made in my city. It's good to be anonymous.
MZ: He also mentioned that our funds go to special accounts.. When the man asked if it was the QFS, the lady smiled, nodded and said it was an account no one else could see. .... even cashiers won't be able to see it. Very sure.
MZ: They also said they know “when” now, but they know it’s coming soon and they’ve been preparing and equipped to exchange it right before your eyes... and there will be armed guards while you do the exchange. This was a fantastic banking story.
Member: I went to a Chase/JP Morgan bank and they didn't know anything.
MZ: We talked about this last week. Some banks recognize this and others don't.
Member. Maybe not all banks are ready to change... so that they know nothing... and also so their cashiers don't go buy dinners and quit.
Member: Some intelligence people say there is a lot of activity in Reno right now.
MZ: Yes, there is a big acceptance of wealthy people traveling to and from Reno. We even spotted a key signee arriving there yesterday. I find it really interesting that a key signee is on the ground at the same time several whales arrived.
MZ: But this has happened before, so don't give it too much attention... but with all the other talk, it's a great sign.
Member: Once we have made the exchange and our QFS account is open, can we transfer money from other bank accounts to our QFS account?
MZ: I was told that you can transfer money from any inherited account through your phone to QFS.. It will be easy and without drawbacks.
Member: Rumor has it banks will give us new Q phones and laptops when we swap them out.
MZ: None of my bankers have heard that... None of my bankers .... if it happens, it will be a big surprise for everyone.
Member: so is this the month?
MZ: I strongly believe this could be our month, I don't have a magic ball... but going back to the history of Simply Linn bank and reminding them that the bank manager said he doesn't know the time but it will be soon. And we might know it before they do.

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