Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Sudanese Advisor Details Iraq's Financial Situation And Addresses Exchange Rates, 5 MARCH

 The Sudanese Advisor Details Iraq's Financial Situation And Addresses Exchange Rates

Economy News – Baghdad  Today, Tuesday, the Prime Minister’s Advisor for Financial and Economic Affairs, Mazhar Muhammad Salih, stated the real growth rate in Iraq’s non-oil gross domestic product, while referring to Iraq’s financial situation.

Saleh said, in an interview followed by “Al-Iqtisad News,” that “the basis comes from the strength of the foreign asset reserves that Iraq possesses, which exceed 100 billion dollars, and they are the cover of the national currency, which means that there is complete coverage of the national currency issued in foreign currency, which provides "Ideal stability for the Iraqi dinar exchange rate, in addition to the fact that these foreign reserves embody Iraq's commercial efficiency, as these reserves cover more than 15 commercial months, while the global standard is only three months."

He added, "We must not forget that the surplus in the current account of the balance of payments relative to the gross domestic product also did not fall below (positive 8%), which is a high indicator that reflects the strength of the external sector in the national economy, that is, its stability and growth." 

He pointed out that "the real growth rate in Iraq's non-oil gross domestic product has touched (6%), and it expresses the growing activities of important sectors, most notably the reconstruction, construction and housing movement, and the development of the transport and digital communications sector, and there is a continuing movement in developing the agricultural sector thanks to government support for crops." We expect Iraq’s grain production in the next few months to reach 6 million tons.”

Views 172  03/05/2024 - https://economy-news.net/content.php?id=41130

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