Tuesday, March 5, 2024

"STATUS OF THE RV: Status of joining the WTO, (PART2)" BY MNT GOAT, 5 MARCH

Status of joining the WTO:

In the news this period we hear of the World Trade Organization (WTO) assigning the Saudi representative to the organization, Saqr Al-Muqbel, to manage the file of Iraq’s accession, and he came to Baghdad on an important visit and met with the Iraqi negotiating team, and many issues were addressed, the most important of which were the files of goods and services, as well as the legislation. What legislation? Remember there is law that parliament must still first pass to facilitate investors coming into Iraq.

In todays, news also on this WTO topic, Bloomberg revealed the reasons for Iraq’s current inability to join the World Trade Organization. The agency said in a report, “Libya, Lebanon, Sudan, and Iraq are among the countries trying to join the WTO, but due to conflict and fragility, this hinders their accession”. But this article by Bloomberg does not, of course, tell the entire story and we as investors know more details then revealed even in this article about Iraq’s accession in particular.

Just wanted to let everyone know that you don’t have to step on to the daily. Weekly RV roller coaster. There is a better way and that is knowing the TRUTH about the monetary reform process and just where Iraq now is in the process.

The monetary process to revert back to a global economy remains basically the same since Dr Shabibi time period, but the requirements to meet the process have been tightened down so tight during the Obama administration and now still carried out by the Biden administration. Dr. Shabibi understood how he could make it all work in 2011 when the CBI and IMF outlined their plan. This is why he was ready to go in January of 2013. He even had timelines, as we found out in later years by his news media interview, but the Obama era caused a drastic change in the requirements which I believe was to delay and allow for all this corruption we now see playing out, that is a challenge now for the current CBI leadership under Ali Alaq to overcome.  


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