Wednesday, March 20, 2024



[via Judy Byington]  

 Most recent banker update...Mon. 18 March...Word from those higher ups was that we were in a 24 to 36 hour... window for announcement with Thurs. 21 March...being an important day for the banks...we know the time of our blessing is approaching quickly...All is looking good according to ALL sources...

Sun. 17 March Wolverine

 My Dearest Chosen Ones, we know the time of our blessing is approaching quickly, but for many, not as quickly as we had hoped, but we can see It IS happening. Right now, let’ set our sights on all we wish to accomplish, on all the goals we know we are going to accomplish.

 And of all things, each of you should be proud that despite all those who gave up, who lost faith, you are still here. The Prize Awaits you! Believe and have Faith! Hello everyone! I have received incredible news coming in today.

 Great News from Brazil who has the green light and that has been confirmed from other sources. Same thing happening in Hong Kong and that is also confirmed.

 It is also happening in other places around the world. However, use discernment, as it is not over “Till the Fat Lady sings,” and I am the Fat Lady!!! As soon the Admiral gives me permission to sing the opera, I will be singing it!! All is looking good according to ALL sources, and they gave me a 100% that it has started!

 Remain in faith and do not be negative. We know this is real or we would not be wasting our time here. Holly has put out great bank stories. We know Reno started as of a few days ago.  

MarkZ talked about a bond holders story who went to a bank and came out with an NDA. Many of my contacts are under NDA and they are not talking. That is all I have for you at the moment. Pray for God to release that opera. The Opera will be in three parts:

 1) A YouTube video put together by a very talented person I know. 

2) Liberation sound of the blowing of trumpets, remember the Charlton Heston movie, “The Ten Commandments,” when the Israelites were being liberated from slavery – there was a great resounding of trumpets! And 

3) finally THE OPERA! That is all I have for now my friends, take care,


(Transcribed by Carpathia)

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