Monday, March 4, 2024



  Article:  "The central bank announces the increase in the size of its reserves to more than $100 billion..."  

That's adding a lot of money to the amount they already had...  This is awesome for Iraq because having those foreign currency receivers does a great job in stabilizing your currency, supporting it and making it stronger...

Yeah, I know, we're all doing the pee-pee dance.  But don't get overly excited because Iraq has a way of letting people down sometimes.  Let's stay grounded.  There are other issues out there that we still got to tackle.  But for the most part a big chunk of what we were hoping would happen is starting to happen now...Everything is looking really good. The next thing we got to wait for is the member states to vote Iraq back into the World Trade Organization and see what it's going to take to get them on Forex...   

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