Saturday, March 2, 2024



Article: "Sudani: Investment environment in Iraq is promising and open"  Remember they have to be able to draw in foreign investors.  As long as the country appears to be stable, the economy looks to be stable, the exchange rate looks to be stable, the currency looks to be stable, it's all promising...this is all great news.  This is one hell of a day for Iraq...

 Today easily has got to be one of the best days of news for Iraq I've seen in a long time.  They have been busting their asses to get their country in line to get back out and do business on the international market...One great article after another...

Here's the biggie everybody is celebrating.  We're not there yet but very close. Article:  "Iraq has completed requirements to join WTO: Minister We have to wait till they get voted in.  Yes they completed all the steps.  Let's hope they keep their nose out of trouble and finally get accepted...Iraq is right there at the cusp, man, it really is.  This is big news.

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