Wednesday, March 20, 2024



 Deleting of the zeros means a re-denomination.  

Article quote:   "The Iraqi government is currently weighing the question of changing the currency..."  

 CHANGING THE CURRENCY.  It didn't say exchange rate. What is says is currency... Definition "Re-denomination is a government policy in simplifying currency values without changing the exchange rate."  ...If we can get them to change the exchange rate without removing the zeros then we're sitting pretty...

 Vietnam became the 150th member of the World Trade Organization back in 2007...with the same icky exchange rate.  Not only that but...Vietnam is currently trading on the Forex...In addition to that Vietnam is on the Swift System...

When you try to look up Iraq there is no Iraq because they're not on the Swift System.  So you have Vietnam with a way worse exchange rate than Iraq part of the World Trade Organization...on Swift and they're trading on the Forex...If Vietnam is there with their current exchange rate then there's no doubt...Iraq...can be on these programs as well [at their current exchange rate].

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