Wednesday, March 6, 2024


 Militia Man 

 They're going to have a very strong country...Iraq's foreign reserves are huge, historic in history, all-time high and they increased their gold supply another 10 tons.  You can see the direction they're going and why they're getting praises...

 The Central Bank of Iraq just told Iraq that you guys can use dinar to buy multi-currencies.  To do what Clearing and settlement in the system with accurate and facial data.  Those two things right here are solidifying that there's something happening...

 They're holding this 2023, 24, 25 budget close to the chest.  Why?  Because they need to wait for that special moment in time...  

Iraq has the attention of the world when it comes to ascension [into the WTO].  We have more than...the WTO, We have the World Bank...the ITC...Saudi Arabia....Armenia, the International Foundation for Corporations... What do they need with that?  They need freedom of capital movement.  That's article VIII compliance...What a time to be an investor in the Iraqi dinar...

 Iraq is going to have a lot of inflows.  They're going to need to make things stable... To be able to defend their currency they're going to need to keep pricing stable...All these guys, the World Trade Organization all know that. 

 How are you going to finance one of the biggest world projects at 1310 when your valuation of your country is far greater than any other country in the region per kilometer? ...What value are they going to use to value the operational side of of the budget for 2023 and investment side for 2023?  ...If they haven't gone to a private sector at 1310 obviously there's an circumstance that suggests they're not going to into a private sector at 1310...

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